So the last few months have been quiet, after all the business of the holidays, it's been a nice change. We haven't been motivated to do much and haven't had enough snow to write home about until recently.
Bob has been trying to get out on his scooter every day that is sunny and warm - makes me think about this spring and how much he will be adventuring. We got him a street GPS and I think I'll get him a phone he can text with. It will make me feel better (hopefully) when he is out and about. He apparently thinks that he can go to a lot of places that may be just a little too far, not safe, or complicated to get to. This spring and summer should be interesting. Youv'e got to love his spirit!
Recently I wrote about Eucharisteo, being grateful before the blessing, and I am happy to report that we have recently recieved many blessings.
After visiting the Bob's GP and telling him all about the adventures and joy that the donated scooter had provided in Bob's life, the GP figured out how to get us a brand new scooter. Now Bob is all decked out and styling . the new scooter also breaks up into smaller parts and I can get it into the car much more easily. We passed the blessing on by donating the scooter to my mom who has difficulty walking long distances.
Because of his new found mobility he has been attending church with me every Sunday and Wed, even prodding me to go on Wed's when I might have stayed at home. Originally I was concerned that having him join me at church would simply extend my caregiving duties and I would loose that time of worship and respite that I had been enjoying. I was selfish and yet worship and respite are very important for me to be able to care for Bob. Yet I didn't want to prevent him from being able to worship (and get out of the house). I was conflicted. Well it all worked out. The men at the door have been amazing in learning about our routine, getting the scooter set up and guiding Bob into a place in the sanctuary. After the service we attend different classes (a men's and women's) The men make sure he gets there and gets settled with coffee and munchies. Afterwards he meets me out in the lobby. He wanders around while I visit and has his own visits. I LOVE it!! I get to have him with me in worship and I get to relax in my caregiving duties because others are always around to help. I didn't loose a thing and I gained more than I can imagine.
Two things have happened recently at church that have just floored me:
The Sunday before Valentine's Day the sermon was about marriage. It wasn't your typical mushy sermon on mariiage and I won't expand any further on it because the best part came at the end. We usually have a prayer and an altar call at the end of each sermon. We are encouraged to turn our lives over to God (if we haven't yet) or if we have been movedto do so, to bring anything to God there. That Sunday we were encouraged to come forward for a variety of reasons. Maybe we have had some issues in our marriage, or difficulties from life that affected it or we just wanted to bring our marriage forth to lift it up to God for his blessing and to honor each other.
Bob: "...go forward"
Susan :"Do you mean you want me to go up?"
Bob: "No I want us to go up"
Susan: "Okay, move your scooter and I'll follow"
Bob:" I want to walk"
So I get him out of the scooter and we start to walk forward, people are begining to return to thier seats and he stops.
Bob:" They are all leaving"
Susan:"That's okay they will wait for us"
And so we proceeded to go up to the altar where my husband took me to honor me as his wife and to seek God's blessings. There evidently was not a dry eye in the house. Pastor came off the platform and hugged us telling Bob how much he blessed him personally.Wow! All I can say is it was amazing to be a wife that has a husband who loves her, appreciates her and is willing to honor her before God and man. What an amazing moment, one I will treasure forever. I will be able to visit this memory when the times get rough, when he is gone, what a gift!
The second was that last week Bob attended the membership class and joined the church. I did two years ago and never thought that he would be able to do so also. But now on sunday morning I can check off "member" instead of "member" and "attender". It may seem to be a little thing but it helps to shore up the "Contented" column of my life.
As a caregiver I belong to a few caregiver sites and have heard or read many horrific stories of how this disease can affect relationships.This disease takes both a physical and emotional toll on the caregivers, it can destroy and warp the mental and emotional capacity of the patient. Paranoia, delusions and hostility can dominate the day to day life. Right now Bob and I do not have to battle these things and I hope we never do. I trust that the good Lord will help shield us from this. But this I know that if we do have even a little bit of a struggle or we encounter more than our fair share of it - He has given me this day to remember and to give me strength to know the truth that Bob loves, honors and appreciates me. this will comfort me and give me strength to honor him by taking care of him with love and joy.
So just as I gave thanks this fall for blessings I had yet to recieve I will rejoice in them now as I recieve them and continue to give thanks for blessing as yet not bestowed, knowing that God knows what I need and when I need them.