Sunday, April 20, 2014

Clap your Hands!

Happy Resurrection Sunday! We were reminded all week what an amazing
God we have and what he did for us, starting with Palm Sunday. On Friday my Brother Flew in from Calif and went to Good Friday services with us. Had an absolutely wonderful time visiting with him. He and Bob had wonderful chats and he shared with Bob the impact he had on him when he was a young man in his twenties. He then flew to Portland to be with our folks.

 Then on to Sunday and celebrating that we serve a LIVING God! Our women's bible study was made whole when two of our members returned from being gone for a while. We were able to love them and hug them. One- Tina  has been battling cancer and the other- Kathy- her husband, Larry, went home to Jesus Saturday. While our hearts were heavy with the trials these two women have been enduring we could rejoice in their return to our class so that we could love, support and encourage them in person.

 So even though our Sunday afternoon was a matter of going home and taking long naps, we did have a meaningful and complete Easter celebration even though it looked different from other years filled with family, big dinners, Easter eggs and kids. This disease may have changed our lives drastically but we refuse to let it suck the Joy from our lives.

In our class we are working thru the Psalms and this week was Psalm 47.
It is an amazing joyful Psalm - "Clap your Hands and Shout!!!" kind of Psalm. It is believed that it was written during the reign of Hezekiah when the Israelites were being threatened by the King of Assyria. Up to this point the Assyrians were batting a 1000 with no losses. They are so sure of themselves they taunt the Hebrews saying "Who do you put your confidence in?"

So in the most devastating times of my life who do I put my trust, my confidence in? I know that this has been tested thoroughly this last year. Especially as Bob has been in the hospital at least four times since March 2013. I must confess that there have been times when I have hung onto my hope and trust in God by my fingernails as I dangled off the cliff.

He's always there, it's just that I can begin to panic and I'm hanging off the cliff for no other reason than I was running and not looking where I was going, so as I hang there I remember who my God is. He is alive! He is terrifyingly awesome and he has my back. As Beth Moore says He is HUGE! What are my problems compared to who my God is???

So when the Assyrians in my life ask me "Say to Hezekiah (read Susan), thus says the King of Assyria (read - my challenges and tribulations in my life): What reason for confidence is this in which you trust?" Isaiah 36:4

I reply - "O Clap your hands, all you peoples! Shout to God with the voice of triumph and sing songs of Joy! For the Lord Most High excites terror, awe and dread; He is a great king over all of the earth. He subdues peoples under us, and nations under our feet." Psalm 47:1-3

One more thing - Beth Moore writes this in her :Believing God" bible study

The God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, Gideon, Samson, David, John the Baptist, Mary of Magdala, Mary of Bethany, Peter, James, John and Paul Is Your God!
He is the Same- Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow and Forever!
A God so Holy, Powerful and Present that He revealed Himself to Ezekiel and John and they both dropped like dead men.
He is - The Magnificent One, Full of Splendor, Beautiful beyond comprehension. The I AM through out every generation.

Whenever you have no idea what to believeHim for, Believe Him to be HUGE!

Come Holy God and be Thy self!

So life has changed and it isn't always the Hallmark Special experience. But We will find Joy, Fulfillment and Contentment in all things. I find that my thanksgiving in the middle of terrible events is more sincere, heartfelt and satisfying than when I express gratitude when things are going great. But as always I am reminded to " content in whatever state I am."  Phil 4:11

So I hope that you all had a wonderful and meaningful Easter Weekend.

He is Risen!
He is Risen Indeed!